


respectfully, i disagree? there’s nothing wrong with being upset that your favorite isn’t included in a gifset/grouping that they should be in. it feels shitty to see them purposefully excluded when it makes sense for them to be there, because lincoln content is limited to begin with, especially considering he’s dead and the season is over, and he was never overly popular to begin with. and yeah, i have posted about my dislike of it, on my own blog, untagged. i can’t speak for everyone, but all that i have seen has just been us on our own blogs voicing displeasure. not telling people off or demanding they put him in personally to the gif makers, or harassment of them in any way. and if anyone has, that’s shitty and needs to stop. because as you said, no one can force anyone to include what they don’t want to.

but i don’t see anything wrong with being upset about it in our own spaces. 

Respectfully: Make your own edits and gif sets. 

I literally set a fix it in this post.

Maybe they want just the POC secret warriors in that edit? Or, you know, the LIVING secret warriors in that edit?

Yes. We get shit on because people are seem to think they can kick us while we are down. It’s upsetting, yea, but you know what’s worse? being an asshole about it.

By the way, guys, untagged posts still get spread and low and behold, someone was made upset because they just so happen to not like a character you like but had mutuals with people that were reblogging it and it made them feel shitty because they didn’t like that character for whatever reason and made an edit leaving him out. Good job. Now we’re the assholes and you can literally not be like ‘ALL WE DO IS SIT IN OUR OWN CORNER AND WRITE AND EDIT’ because we have now invaded another person’s comfort.

Which is what we were trying to not be.

Because we’re not the assholes that post passive aggressive shit at people who don’t share our opinion. For fuck’s sake.

You’re not being upset about it in your own space when it is being reblogged by other blogs in our fandom who are mutuals with the person you are attacking. Your own space is on Skype or in IM or in a text. Not on a blog. 

Make your own content, or get the hell over the fact that people don’t want to put a character (WHO IS DEFINITELY DEAD, SO LEAVING HIM OUT IS DEFINITELY OKAY TO BE HONEST)  in their edit. 

It’s none of your business why they did what they did and ‘your own space’ means nothing when your opinion is harming another person.

i completely disagree that someone’s blog is not their own space. if we start policing ourselves of anything and everything that may upset someone out there, no one would literally ever post anything. if it was my post that hurt someone, then i’m sorry. that was not my intent. i was blogging my frustrations, and other people agreed with it enough to reblog it. that’s pretty much how any opinion spreads on tumblr, among literally all fandoms. not everyone is always going to be happy or agree. and that’s ok. that’s why it’s an opinion. it doesn’t mean someone has to change what they’re doing because someone else disagrees with them. and this goes both ways; they’re in no way required to add lincoln just because people want them to. nor do they have to feel bad because they don’t want to do something. in the end, it’s their edit, and their choice. 

if my opinion was harmful to someone then i’m sorry to them, it wasn’t my intent when i posted it, but i’m not going to stop talking about what upsets me. and it is upsetting to me to see a character i loved and identified with be basically erased from the show by the fandom. probably about as upsetting as how the person felt when they saw the post about leaving him out of gifsets.

You literally don’t get it, and I’m not going to teach you how to be a decent person.

Make your own fucking edits and gif sets with Lincoln in them, or don’t fucking complain. 

The lack of Lincoln content is not everyone else’s fucking fault. You have the option to do something about it, and instead of doing something productive, you chose to publicly bitch in a forum where you damn well know someone could spread the bitch where others will see it, including the person you are bitching about.

You literally shit on someone’s gifset (and we all know who so there’s no point in even pretending like you didn’t realize that).

Fandoms need to be policed. Because I’m not the asshole static quake shipper who had to ask where the white guy was in a secret warriors edit.

You literally have no ground to say the shit you did.

Also: Lincoln isn’t your fucking son. He is a mentally ill man who committed glorified suicide and will never have peace. 


then you need to revaluate your life, and quickly. 

As for me, I’m the fuck out of this fandom and replacing all of my tags tonight because I want nothing to do with this idiot and her rude ass making someone feel like shit, because you are quite possibly the biggest fucking asshole I have ever met in this fandom and god forbid I don’t want the association. 

@naturaldaisaster, @justa-captainswanshipper, @meg-corbyn, @marvelthismarvelthat, @agentttremors etc, it has been a fucking blast with you guys.

I don’t know who this bitch is, but you might want to avoid the shit out of her.


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